Protect Yourself From the Hidden Dangers of Gum Disease at Horsham Dental Elements

February 12, 2014

When you think of periodontal disease, what is the first thing that comes to mind? More than likely, you imagine swollen, reddened gums and bleeding when you brush, but did you know that advanced gum disease can also lead to a number of far more serious health concerns? At Horsham Dental Elements in Philadelphia and Horsham, Dr. Gary Henkel wants you to know how important proper periodontal therapy is – not only for the health of your smile, but for your overall well being.

A Systemic Connection

When the overabundance of bacteria in infected gums enters the blood stream, it can travel throughout the body, wreaking silent havoc on otherwise healthy tissues and organs. Because many people suffering from gum disease aren’t even aware that they’re affected, they don’t think to make the connection between other health problems and the condition of their mouths. The following are some of the potentially life-threatening complications associated with untreated periodontal disease:

  • Increased risk of heart attack (due to coronary artery disease)
  • Higher chance of suffering a stroke
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • High blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal problems (may become chronic)
  • Links to pancreatic cancer
  • Preterm birth and low birth weight in babies whose mothers had gum disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Fortunately, periodontal therapy and regular cleanings at Horsham Dental Center can substantially reduce the risk of these complications, even in patients whose oral condition is severe. The key to successful treatment of gum disease is catching the infection in its early stages and beginning treatment as soon as possible.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from periodontal disease and you’re ready to take the first step toward better health, contact us in Horsham, PA or Philadelphia, PA today. Dr. Henkel and his staff gladly serve patients from throughout Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties, including Dresher, Hatboro, Springfield and more.


Get a Perfect Smile Fast with Porcelain Veneers at Horsham Dental Elements

January 28, 2014

A healthy, beautiful smile is a crucial asset when it comes to expressing yourself confidently on a daily basis. If your teeth are flawed in any way – whether it be in the form of stains, uneven spacing or chips – you may feel less inclined to smile around friends, family and coworkers. At Horsham Dental Elements in Philadelphia and Horsham, PA, Dr. Gary Henkel offers the latest in porcelain veneers, allowing patients who are unhappy with the condition of their teeth to once again enjoy a brilliant smile that’s worth showing off to the world.

What are Veneers and How Do They Help?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin layers of porcelain material that are applied directly to the surface of your teeth, custom-fit to cover the many cosmetic imperfections that may cause embarrassment. Teeth that have been stained over the years with wine, coffee or cigarette smoke become instantly lustrous and white. Odd gaps between the teeth disappear, replaced instead by even teeth that align perfectly. Porcelain veneers are a simple solution to a number of common cosmetic problems, including:

  • Teeth that are too small or are misshapen
  • Crooked teeth
  • Staining of all levels and colors
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Chips and cracks

If you’ve endured years of unhappiness, constantly hiding your smile, take the first step toward beautiful, natural-looking teeth and call us today to schedule your porcelain veneers consultation. In just two office visits, Dr. Henkel can reverse decades of damage, revealing the brilliant, confident smile you deserve. From our two offices in Horsham and Philadelphia, we proudly serve patients from the entire Philadelphia PA area and beyond, including Bucks County and Montgomery County.


Professional Teeth Whitening Takes Years Off Your Smile

January 13, 2014

The eyes and the mouth – these are the first two features that we subconsciously notice when we meet someone for the first time. What do people see when they look at your smile? If your teeth are stained yellow with age and exposure to food, drinks or smoke, your smile could be making your entire face appear years older than you actually are. At Horsham Dental Elements in Philadelphia and Horsham, PA, Dr. Gary Henkel offers professional whitening services that help people just like you regain the youth and brilliance of a sparkling smile.

Teeth Whitening Options

Despite their claims, the over-the-counter white strips you can find at your local drug store are not capable of delivering high-quality, long-lasting results. Most only whiten teeth to approximately 1.5 to 2 shades and the outcome is far from optimal. With professional teeth whitening treatments at Horshom Dental Elements, patients receive services backed by the latest technology in the cosmetic dentistry industry.

The whitening procedures that Dr. Henkel performs put the patient’s comfort and ideal outcome first. The process is simple, relaxing, safe and proven effective. In fact, most patients experience a whitening effect of between four and eight shades instantly.

Depending on your individual level of staining, you may be a candidate for a take-home whitening treatment, professionally dispensed by Dr. Henkel and his staff. A custom-fit tray is tailored to your teeth for optimal results and you simply apply the solution to your teeth at home as directed.

Reclaim Your Smile

Don’t let yellowed teeth make you look older than you really are for another day. Contact us now to find out how quickly Dr. Henkel can turn back the clock on your smile, giving you the bright, beautiful pearly whites you’ve always wanted. We proudly serve patients from throughout Montgomery County, Bucks County and from across the Philadelphia area.


Enjoy a Straightened Smile at Last with Invisalign in Horsham and Philadelphia

December 2, 2013

If you’re an adult who prides themselves on presenting a polished image in their everyday lives, pursuing orthodontic treatment can feel like an impossible dream. There’s always the option of traditional braces to correct your gaps or misalignments, but you’ve worked hard to establish yourself as a professional; the last thing you need is a mouth full of metal that makes you feel like you’re back in junior high. Here at Horsham Dental Elements in Horsham and Philadelphia, Dr. Henkel feels that his patients deserve a better option that doesn’t force them to pick between dental correction and self-confidence – that’s where Invisalign comes in! With this revolutionary new orthodontic method, patients can transform their smiles smoothly and seamlessly.

How does Invisalign work?

It’s simple – you’ll be provided with a series of clear, customized aligners, each one representing a different stage of your teeth as they move into their ideal alignment. All you have to do is wear each one for a predetermined amount of time before switching to the next in the set! With brief check-ups every six to eight weeks so that Dr. Henkel can check that your smile is progressing smoothly, you’ll be on the path to a beautifully transformed appearance!

There are numerous benefits to choosing Invisalign treatment over traditional orthodontics. There are no uncomfortable metal wires or unsightly brackets to suffer through – only clear, comfortable aligners that are easily removable, meaning that you won’t have to make any frustrating changes to your diet or oral hygiene routine. Best of all, Invisalign treatment is usually finished after around 12-18 months – a much shorter time than the multiple years that traditional orthodontics can require to be fully effective.

Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office today to schedule an appointment! Dr. Henkel and his team can’t wait to give you a reason to smile brighter than ever before.

Dr. Henkel Can Restore Both Your Smile and Self-Confidence with Dental Implants

October 10, 2013

People have been struggling with missing teeth for hundreds of years, but only relatively recently has a truly transformative solution come to life. While some patients prefer older solutions, others often struggle with the loose nature and bulkiness of dentures and partials, as well as the inability of bridges to replace an entire set of missing teeth. It’s not a good idea to leave your smile riddled with unsightly gaps, though – not only can they hinder your enthusiasm and ability to interact with colleagues and peers, they can also cause a whole host of further oral health problems, such as an increased risk of gum disease and additional tooth loss. Thankfully, our team at Horsham Dental Elements is here to help with dental implants! These revolutionary tools can restore missing teeth seamlessly and provide your smile with much-needed sturdiness and functionality.

What are dental implants?

They actually consist of multiple parts! First, once we’ve determined that you’re a viable candidate for the dental implants procedure, we’ll place a small, titanium post into the empty socket. Over time, this post will fuse with your natural jaw tissue, effectively becoming the “root” of your new tooth. Then, you’ll return to our office so that Dr. Henkel can finish it off with a beautiful, personalized crown.

Here at our Horsham and Philadelphia offices, we rely on cone beam computed tomography to create 3D images as a guide for dental implant placement, which leads to more accuracy during placement and a much smoother procedure overall. Plus, Dr. Henkel is well-versed in the field of dental implants and will be sure to pass the countless benefits of his in-depth experience onto you!

Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office today to schedule an appointment. Our team can’t wait to give you something to smile about with our committed and comprehensive dental care!

Bring Your Damaged Teeth Back From the Brink with Root Canal Therapy in Horsham and Philadelphia

September 25, 2013

When it comes to dental treatments, “root canal” always seems to be the phrase that leaves patients feeling the most frightened. While it may be true that in the past, the procedure was difficult and invasive, today’s technology and advanced anesthesia options have helped to make its bad reputation completely unwarranted! In fact, patients with severely damaged or decayed teeth who are facing extraction can now have their smile restored to full form and functionality with the help of root canal therapy. Here at Horsham Dental Elements, Dr. Henkel and his team are happy to offer this revitalizing procedure to patients from Horsham, Philadelphia, and beyond. With our help, your teeth can stay safe and whole for years to come!

What happens during root canal therapy?

We’ll simply clean the diseased bacteria and pulp out of the canals within the affected tooth, seal off the area so that further infection can’t reach it, and then restore its structure with a beautiful, custom-made porcelain crown. By the time Dr. Henkel is finished, you’ll hardly be able to tell you had any work done in the first place!

Most patients report very minimal pain when undergoing root canal therapy, and in fact, the procedure has a very high success rate; many teeth that have undergone the treatment go on to last a lifetime. Plus, with our advanced surgical microscope and Dr. Henkel’s vast wealth of experience concerning endodontics, your smile is sure to be in the most capable hands around.

Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office today if you have any questions about root canal therapy, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment. Our dental team is committed to providing patients with comprehensive, personalized care that puts their comfort first and gives them a reason to smile brighter.

Protect Your Pearly Whites against Oral Cancer with Help from Dr. Henkel

August 1, 2013

When it comes to your teeth, you’re probably concerned mostly with the threat of cavities, root canals, or structural cracks – but have you ever stopped and wondered if you could have oral cancer? While this disease isn’t discussed as often, the numbers associated with it are staggering. One American dies from oral cancer every hour on average, and nearly half of the tens of thousands patients diagnosed this year won’t go on to survive more than five years.  Even worse, the disease can crop up in a variety of places, including your tongue, cheek, gum tissue, lips, and more. Here in Horsham and Philadelphia, Dr. Henkel takes the threat of oral cancer very seriously; that’s why he makes sure to always inspect patients during regular check-ups for any potentially suspicious areas. Come in to Horsham Dental Elements today to be examined as well!

How do I know if I have oral cancer?

If you won’t be able to schedule a trip to our office for a while, here are some common symptoms of oral cancer you can check for in the comfort of your own home:

  • A sore in the mouth that bleeds and doesn’t show signs of healing
  • A lump, rough spot, or thickening inside the mouth
  • A sudden change in the color of your oral tissue
  • Any numbness or pain in the lips or mouth

Of course, sometimes it can be difficult for an untrained eye to notice these signs right away, which is why it’s so important to rely on our team at Horsham Dental Elements as your first line of defense in the fight against oral cancer. We’ll be sure to keep a close eye on any possibly cancerous or precancerous areas.

Remember – while most cases of oral cancer occur in patients that smoke and/or drink heavily, a whopping 25% of cases affect people who don’t participate in any risk factors whatsoever. Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office today to schedule an appointment. Our team wants nothing more to leave your smile healthier and happier than when you first came in to see us!

Revitalize the Beauty of your Smile with Cosmetic Options at Horsham Dental Elements

July 1, 2013

While Dr. Henkel and his dedicated dental staff believe strongly that optimal oral health should come first, they also understand that many patients are interested in having a more beautiful smile as well. After all, it’s not hard to understand why – white, straight teeth can imply all sorts of positive attributes about you to your peers and coworkers, including confidence, attractiveness, youth, vitality, and much more. Our team at Horsham Dental Elements in Horsham and Philadelphia would be more than happy to help you achieve this dream with the help of multiple cosmetic dentistry options designed to rejuvenate smiles and help them shine again! We offer:

  • Both in-office and take-home teeth whitening to accommodate busy schedules
  • Cosmetic bonding to reshape broken or worn-down teeth
  • Porcelain veneers to cover your teeth and give them a straighter, whiter, and healthier appearance
  • Invisalign to quickly and seamlessly realign crooked teeth

Additionally, several of our restorative dentistry procedures have valuable cosmetic benefits, such as dental implants, which seamlessly fill unsightly gaps in your smile with beautiful, durable replacements, porcelain crowns, and tooth-colored fillings. Rest assured that we’ll take every precaution to ensure that any work you receive at our offices is both durable and natural-looking, giving you a look that you can feel proud of for years to come!

Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office if you’d like to learn more about we can turn your smile into a stunner, or if you’re ready to go ahead and schedule an appointment. Dr. Henkel is well-known for his thorough, compassionate care that delivers excellent results and sends patients off with a new reason to smile. We’re also happy to serve the areas of Montgomery, Buck County, and beyond.

Protect Yourself against Gum Disease with Periodontal Therapy from Horsham Dental Elements

May 1, 2013

Did you know that three out of four Americans today suffer from some level of gum disease? That’s a large number, and one that we take seriously here at Horsham Dental Elements. While gum disease (also referred to as periodontal disease) exhibits few symptoms in its earliest stages, it can become serious over time, resulting in pain, inflammation, bone deterioration, and even tooth loss. Research has shown that gum disease can even contribute to conditions such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, and diabetes. At his Horsham and Philadelphia dental offices, Dr. Henkel wants to help you keep your smile healthy and happy over the years, and that includes ensuring that you’re protected against the threat of gum disease. Here are some common symptoms you can look for at home:

  • Red, swollen, and/or tender gums
  • Persistent bad breath that isn’t helped by mouthwash
  • Gums that bleed while brushing or flossing
  • A sudden change in the way your bite feels
  • Loose or wobbly teeth
  • Receding gums (the appearance of teeth that looks longer)

Of course, it’s important to remember that many cases of gum disease show no symptoms at all until they reach more advanced, destructive stages. That’s why attending regular check-ups with Dr. Henkel is so important!  Our team will be able to find trickier signs of the disease and treat them earlier, saving you precious time and money. Using a soft-tissue laser, Dr. Henkel can perform periodontal therapy with greater comfort and ease than ever before!

Contact either our Horsham or Philadelphia office today to learn more about gum disease and periodontal therapy, or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment. Dr. Henkel and his team are committed to providing patients with personalized care that puts their needs first. We also serve the areas of Montgomery, Buck County, and beyond!

Find Answers to All Your Questions about Dental Implants at Horsham Dental Elements

April 9, 2013

When it comes to restorative options for replacing missing teeth, dental implants are widely regarded as the most complete and natural-looking method available from dentists today. That’s why Dr. Henkel is proud to offer them to patients at both his Philadelphia and Horsham offices.  However, if you’ve recently experienced tooth loss due to decay or injury, you might be feeling hesitant or confused when faced with the idea of dental implants. What exactly are they made of? How long will they last? Do I really need one? Don’t worry – here at Horsham Dental Elements, we want you to have all the information you need to feel confident in your dental care. That’s why we’ve provided answers to some common questions about dental implants below!

What exactly is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post that is surgically attached to your jawbone. Once this anchor has successfully fused with your bone tissue, Dr. Henkel will attach a custom-made, permanent crown to it that will blend in seamlessly with your smile.

How long will they last?

The longevity of your dental implants depends on a number of factors, including age and personal hygiene. However, most implants that are cared for properly go on to last a lifetime!

Am I good candidate for implants?

Dr. Henkel will be happy to evaluate your unique mouth in order to determine whether dental implants are a good fit for you. While most patients are candidates, your chances of success with this treatment will be improved if you have good oral health, don’t smoke or drink, and have adequate jawbone structure.

What will happen if I don’t replace my missing tooth?

When you have gaps in your smile, your other teeth often begin to twist and shift in order to fill it, resulting in bite collapse and TMJ pain, among other problems. You’re also at a higher risk for gum disease and additional tooth loss.

Why should I pick dental implants over other restorative options?

Dental implants are the only restorative dentistry solution that effectively replicates your entire tooth structure, not just the crown. When you lose teeth, your jawbone begins to deteriorate because the root of the tooth is gone – dental implants replace this part of this tooth too, which will maintain and even regenerate bone tissue! Additionally, dental implants tend to be more comfortable, more permanent, and more natural-looking than other tooth replacement options.

Don’t suffer from unsightly gaps a day longer – Dr. Henkel is well-known for concise, comprehensive care that can restore full health and beauty to your smile. Contact our offices in Horsham and Philadelphia today to schedule an appointment. Our team also welcomes patients from Montgomery, Buck County, and beyond!

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